Saturday, January 24, 2015

Best Workout Songs 0f 2014

I know that being motivated to workout is hard but when you have the right music it makes it are a list of some of the best workout songs from 2014. Music makes everything better now work!

best workout songs of 2014 playlist music tone and tighten
You guys know me – I’m always looking for new workout music! I’ve put together a playlist of the top 15  workout songs of 2014 and thought I would share it with all of you! These are the jams that frequented my workout playlist this year – hope they pump you up as much as they did me!
Each song below contains a hyperlink to iTunes to go get it for yourself. As always, I prefer the clean lyrics to the songs that I listen to. I have made every effort to link to clean versions of the songs both in the iTunes link as well as the free Spotify playlist found below. Also, these are in no particular order – just songs I dug throughout 2014!
And there you have it! Your new workout playlist for the next couple of weeks… at least until the next big thing drops in 2015!!
Is there anything that I left off the list? What was your jam in the gym this year? Help build all of our playlists by leaving your recommendation in a comment below!
Are you on Spotify? Tone and Tighten sure is! Follow the “Top 15 Workout Songs of 2015″ playlist below:

Looking for more great workout playlists? I’ve got you covered. Here are a few of my favorites

Make it happen,

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